One Small Step for BlueCamroo, One Giant Leap for Busy Teams: A New Approach for Task Management

by Paul Clark - Published on 4/1/2010 11:41 AM

When you think about it, not much has changed in the way that project management, collaboration and task management software works. You create a task for yourself or somebody else; it gets posted, and then marked completed. Simple, yes, but not really intuitive.

Think for a moment how tasks really get scheduled within your business; whether you have software for this or not. There is a whole communication flow that goes on:

Paul: "Hey Drew, can you do a draft for the Acme brochure today?"

Drew: "I'm rammed today. I'll see if Karl can do it."

Karl: "Sure, I can do it." "Hang on. Is this for the print brochure, or the download?"

Paul: "The print brochure"

Karl: "No problem. Has Geoff let the print shop know it's coming?"

... and so on

With our upcoming enhancement release, our goal is to make BlueCamroo fit in with the way we all naturally work in teams, so we've worked hard on four main components:

  • A complete revision of Tasks Management, to enable natural, intuitive processes for creating, assigning and carrying out tasks.

  • A new Internal Messaging system, to carry all the task-related messages and other internal team communications without overloading your email.

  • New To Do Lists, to allow you to quickly capture simple To Dos that don't need to be assigned and tracked with co-workers.

  • A new Logging function, that logs and reports all activities in BlueCamroo, allowing you to see at a glance everything that is going on with your team.

Over the course of next week, I will be writing separate Blog posts for each main component to illustrate how BlueCamroo can help you to collaborate better.

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