Don't let that domain renewal lapse. Create a follow-up task.

by Karl Mamer - Published on 1/13/2011 1:40 PM

Sometimes when you mark a task as completed, you need to generate a follow on task. For example, you register a domain name and you want to set a task 50 weeks later to make sure the domain is renewed. Nothing can be as painful and disruptive to your business if you fail to renew a domain and it gets snapped up by another business. There are two ways you can make sure you're adequately warned about things like that in BlueCamroo. One way is use a work-flow rule to automatically create follow-up tasks when a certain regular, predictable task is completed. The other way, the way covered here, is simpler. Just use the follow-up task option. This works best for "one off" tasks.

1)   Create your initial task. For example, click on the Accounts tab.

2)   Click on an account you want to create the task for.

3)   Under the sub-Task tab, click Add new task.

4)   Create your task.

5)   After you've ensured you've completed the task in the real world, locate the task in BlueCamroo. There are several ways to do this. You can return to the original account under the Accounts tab.

6)   If you don't see the Tasks page, click the Activities button on the Left Pane Tool Bar.

7)   Find the task and mouse-over its Action option. Click Close to mark the task as Completed.

8)   Complete the Adding Progress dialog as necessary.  Set the Status to Completed.

9)   Instead of clicking Save, click Save & Create Follow-up Task.

10)  Complete the follow up task. Make sure you set a Send Reminder notification with an appropriate "heads up" time. And click Save.

11)   You'll now see the task in your task list for the account. If you set a notification for this task, you'll be dutifully notified in email by BlueCamroo that the domain registration renewal is required.

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User Comments
re: Don't let that domain renewal lapse. Create a follow-up task.
1/11/2017 2:48 PM by 1
re: Don't let that domain renewal lapse. Create a follow-up task.
1/11/2017 2:48 PM by 1
re: Don't let that domain renewal lapse. Create a follow-up task.
1/11/2017 2:48 PM by 1
re: Don't let that domain renewal lapse. Create a follow-up task.
1/11/2017 2:52 PM by 1
re: Don't let that domain renewal lapse. Create a follow-up task.
1/11/2017 2:52 PM by 1
re: Don't let that domain renewal lapse. Create a follow-up task.
1/11/2017 2:52 PM by 1