Business North West in Manchester

by Karl Mamer - Published on 4/29/2011 12:17 PM

Are you in the Manchester, UK area? Will you be in the Manchester, UK area May 4-5? Well, so is Team BlueCamroo! We'll be exhibiting at the Business North West show. We'll be in booth 118.

Our booth will, oh, look a little something like this

What is the Manchester Business North West show? The Business North West show is the UK's premiere gathering of small and medium businesses and entrepreneurs. It's for small enterprise people looking to become medium enterprise people. It's for medium enterprise people looking to become a large enterprise.

Besides BlueCamroo (booth 118!), there are some 150 vendors ready to help you with marketing, HR, finance, and a wide range of technology issues.

For our part, we'll be showcasing a lot of the work we've been doing on Social Network Scout, ease of adoption issues, and integration. Want to see where BlueCamroo is heading in the near future? Come on by. That's booth 118 in case I haven't mentioned it.

We'll be tweeting from the show at hashtag #Biz_NW.

Filed under: Business life
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re: Business North West in Manchester
1/11/2017 2:42 PM by 1
re: Business North West in Manchester
1/11/2017 2:42 PM by 1
re: Business North West in Manchester
1/11/2017 2:42 PM by 1